Today is ‘PROTECT OUR PLANET 24/7’ Day the twenty-fourth day of the seventh month, 24th July 2024 24 -7- 24 This new World Day marks the start of a declared campaign called ’One Year to Save Nature’. It is a year between the two ‘Protect our planet 24/7 ‘ World Days of 24th July 2024…

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The greatest threat to the continued existence of humankind is an invisible gas, (CO2). On a day when we in the UK elect our Members of Parliament of whichever political party, the subject that has the greatest agreeing majority of all of us is hardly discussed and represented. WE ARE THE HIDDEN MAJORITY. WE INCLUDE…

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Restore Nature Now march, what’s next?

woman sitting on brown stone near green leaf trees at daytime

After the Restore Nature Now march in London, what next? Chris Packham and selected speakers all encouraged and inspired an emotional connected audience, yet this was speaking to the committed. The most important aspect was the connections and networking possible at these events and the sense of belonging, comradery and optimism. The march got airtime…

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We have the chance on the 4th of July

person holding a vote sign

DON’T FORGET YOU CAN CAST YOUR VISABLE VOTEON THE 4TH & THE 24TH JULY! Tie your ribbon, of any colour, to the traffic light post We have the chance on the 4th of July, here in the UK, to do something utterly amazing and astounding, defying convention and unexpected. Our children are our future, yet…

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THE CLIMATE CRISIS Will Never Be Solved, Unless…

back view of blonde woman in a class holding a notebook

THE CLIMATE CRISIS will never be solved in the present situation because of the following three critical factors. The fossil fuel industry is so rich and powerful and with such great influence that even single powerful nations bow to its wishes. Humanity is so divided at present, especially in politics, religion and nationality. CO2 the…

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iceberg during daytime

…and as we hurtle towards Eco destruction, with the fossil fuel industry pressing on the accelerator pedal; what can save us from disaster? LEARN what can, on ‘Protect our planet 24/7’ Day, 24 – 7 – 24 WENESDAY 24th JULY 2024 The ONLY World Day everyone can know when it is because ITS IN THE…

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woman holding umbrella

Its still pouring with rain! Here in Britain, we are stuck in wave after wave of anticyclones bringing heavily laden cloud over the first landmass that the jet stream hits on its North Atlantic journey. This IS A SYMPTOM of CO2’s toxic effect on our atmosphere. Yes, CO2. We can’t see it! All we can…

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The Climate Event Horizon is near!

earth wallpaper

Practical, Safe, Doable 3 Part Plan to Climate Safety. PART ONE – LEARN / PART TWO – UNITE / PART THREE – ACT Part 1. Education. A World Day, uniquely with its date as part of its instructive title. ‘PROTECT OUR PLANET 24/7’ Day. 24th July. 24 – 7 – 24 Q: Why? A: So…

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