Greenbelt Festival 2023

A big thank you to all at the Greenbelt Festival 2023 who took the time to listen to me, as I explained the i4one principle of gaining mass human unity on the subject of the climate crisis, and the associated mass learning world day and the micro-protests for showing concern visually, all done without revealing personal details.

Everything described is free and carbon neutral and available for everyone with concern. It is constructed to do just that and offer us the chance to solve this existential threat presented by the climate crisis. Nothing else currently on offer comes close to the potential of this. Tell everyone you know. This is good positive news to tell all. Spread by word of mouth and by whatever communication method you wish, it has the chance to spread really quickly and fast.

Since this is singularly focused on the climate crisis it means anyone with concern can link together with like-minded other individuals, simply and free, with no personal data security worries.

This is so simple in construction that it has the chance to succeed where previous methods of trying to string together so many organisations and human divisions has failed.

This mechanism is built and designed to enable all of us whom wish to survive to join together to do just that!

Encourage others to join i4one and spread awareness. There is a vast silent majority that can simply and easily become very noticeable without cost, disruption and carbon footprint. A moral majority forcing change for the good of all and for a sustainable caring future.

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Jonathan Whittaker

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