COP27 – Class Report!

Tried hard, but, failed again.!

Here is how to achieve success in the future.

So another world climate change conference comes to a close and we are still no closer to achieving what we know we must do.

The United Nations once again proved to be the Disunited Nations, yet these COP conferences are said to be our only hope!

The problem is we are trying to run before we can walk. We are tackling the problem too low down, at national level, when we should be tackling it at ‘Species’ level. We cannot solve the problem of human induced climate change until we are all engaged.

Here is how.

We start by having something that everyone can get involved with because we do it individually, free and to our own personal circumstances. The day is free, instructive, informative and engaging. The name of the day is an instruction in itself, but also a date, so we can all know when it is.

‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven’ Day. The instruction to think about our planet constantly, twenty-four hours, seven days a week as it says, but also knowing it is the twenty-fourth day of the seventh month in which we come together to learn and get involved.

COP will not work until we have broken down patriotic national preferences by agreeing as a species what to do.

If we had an alien attack on the Earth now, our national enemies would instantly become our friends. Climate change is that great a threat to all of us. Gather together as a species, plan, then we can instigate action nationally by COP.

Everyone needs to be encouraged to act individually and where finances allow the individual, to join one or more of the already excellent organisations equipped to help bring about the change we need.

A simple rule – We all need to learn to WALK before we can RUN.

Successful, fully engaged worldwide ‘Protect Our Planet twenty-four seven ‘ days are required before we can initiate undivided attention and effective action.

Please join in. The next one is due on 24th July 2023.

In the meantime why not find out what you are already doing and what you can easily do to help even more. Join i4one and plan your own individual way to help. Billions of us acting together got us into this mess and billions of us acting together are going to get us out of it!

One species, one voice.

Protect our planet, twenty-four seven. i4one – effective, individual, climate change action made simple. The free individual action organization we can all join. If you can say the statement” I for one will not stand by and let our world die” and mean it in your heart, then you are in, you are a member

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Jonathan Whittaker

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