The ‘Shroud for Nature’ is that plea from the Nation.
We CAN have a secure brighter future, if we have the Climate and Nature Bill passing its second reading in Parliament today.
This Bill is about to be given the chance to pass to Committee stage where it will be discussed and shaped. MPs of all parties have this opportunity to put in place a framework for survival for our national natural environment to the benefit of us and all the flora and fauna that make up this wonderful, varied part of the Earth we collectively inhabit.
The Shroud for Nature succinctly reveals the deep concern of all the people across our British Isles about nature. We cannot afford to get this wrong and only the most uncaring would wish it ruined forever.
MPs today you have the means to respect the feelings and wishes of most of our nation and allow this Bill to pass to its next stage. Do not let the CAN Bill fail at this stage for generations present today and, in the future, will never forgive you if you act recklessly and don’t allow sensible caring discussion on this subject over this Parliament.
The Shroud for Nature was produced over the last few months as it visited family attended events across the country. Feelings and concerns of all age groups are handwritten on these sheets as direct pleas to MPs to restore our beautiful British countryside to full health again.
Please look and read and be inspired to allow an Act to be produced that can fit that goal.