Why are we so complacent about our ‘Climate Predicament’ and seemingly unmoved by it?

Firstly, the oil industry creates so much power, wealth and influence and, secondly, we can’t see the carbon-di-oxide, its primary biproduct.

So, we need to see the carbon.

We require each person to grow their own solid carbon from the air. Each little block of solid carbon grown has a set yardage of travel it can produce from an average fossil fuel powered car. By producing our own solid carbon from the air, we can relate to the problem then and it means that we will feel able to take individual action. It will also mean that we can insist that our governments do likewise, using the same mechanism, but on an industrialised scale. This is what is required to actually save the world from the impending climate catastrophe we have created.

Like the fish, the dolphins, the whales, live in the sea; we live in the air.

Don’t pollute the sea and don’t pollute the air! It’s common sense. Just because the sea and the atmosphere are vast, it doesn’t mean we can’t damage them.

Every bad action has a negative effect, and every good action has a positive effect. So, get positive!

DUCKWEED depollutes non-salty water and depollutes the air, grabbing that carbon. It is the wonder plant we need to survive. You see, it is the only plant we can create as much space as it needs to save us.

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Jonathan Whittaker

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