Festival of Sustainability

Today I am invited to attend the ‘Festival of Sustainability’ run by ‘From The Ground Up’ at Pip’n’Jim’s (St. Philip and St James Church) in Cheltenham, England.



The world appears so divided presently, with conflict everywhere we look. What chance of action on the current climate crisis then?!

Just when it looks grim for our chances of solving the great existential threat of human induced climate change, up ’Pops’ the answer to our woes!

Pop 24/7 indeed.

What is ‘Pop 24/7’? It is ‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven’ Day. The world’s first, and only so far, World Day that has its date in the title, so that it cannot be said that you don’t know when it is!!

A day of learning, worldwide, when we can all pay attention, and see, and hear, and read, how we got into this climate mess and how we, as humanity, UNITED, are going to get out of it!

There is no other plan out there presently, that is so simple, so workable, so cost effective and so achievable, IF WE WORK TOGETHER.

The Covid-19 world crisis, showed us doing things we never thought would happen, with shutting down whole nations and economies. This was done by explaining why and people understanding how we would eventually pull through, by the means of the promised world vaccination programme.

CLIMATE CHAOS is a far more existential threat to us than Covid.

We all know, by looking at, and experiencing the world around us that we will not wean ourselves off fossil fuels in time. So how do we do it and save ourselves and our beautiful, fragile, life supporting planetary mechanism, OUR EARTH? How do we save nature on Earth as we know and love it?


Education – Unification – Action

We all need to understand how we messed up and how we are ALL responsible.

We created the problem, as human society acting as one, so we need to unite to solve it.

We need a practical, natural way to solve it. Gifted us by nature!


LEARN – How is it that we got into this mess. The science and the solution. A World Day to grab world attention. A day we all know in advance when it is because it’s in its instructive, inspirational title!


24 – 7 – 24

Wednesday 24th July, 2024.

UNITE – We united to create the crisis, so we unite to solve it.


So simple to join. So basic and one minded, everyone can join whom wishes to. Each and every one of us is important and matters. ‘i4one’ is the simplest and safest organisation in the world to join. Free and safe. It costs nothing to join. Only you know if you are a member, so is safe and incorruptible. You can’t fool or cheat yourself! To join simply requires you to be human, and to say (or even just think) the words, ‘I for one will not stand by and let our Earth die’ and mean it in your heart – and you are in!

ACT – By knowing how we are practically going to reverse the CO2 build up in our atmosphere. This is done by reducing fossil fuel usage, but we need to buy ourselves more time to do this. In the long term this is done by carbon capture naturally via planting trees, seagrass and mangroves. However, we need a quick carbon capture as we reduce fossil fuel usage in a pragmatic way, with least disruption. There is one plant that can do this by its unique growing features – DUCKWEED.

We all need to encourage our Governments to initiate the building of the means to propagate this plant and process and store it as locked up carbon in cellulose form. Duckweed is the solution because these processing plants will have use far beyond solving the carbon capture capability it has. Duckweed in the future will feed us and precipitate a green Revolution to protect and sustain the Earth.

‘Protect our planet, 24/7’ Day, ‘i4one’ and Duckweed vertical farming. The three stage solution for our survival from the climate crisis we have created.

Copyright Jonathan M. Whittaker

3rd Feb 2024

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Jonathan Whittaker

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