Reduced Energy Requirement by Increased Efficiency.

This can be done by a number of methods and can be divided into domestic and industrial.

On the domestic front there needs to be encouragement and clear Government policy to push forward ‘Smart Meter’ usage. It is commonly recognised that those that use smart meters recognise unnecessary usage and reduce consumption. A greater awareness of what uses power and how much, results usually in a conscious decision to rationalise usage. This is of benefit not only in power use reduction, but actually reduces the average domestic bill, so is of good cost benefit to the household.

A continuation of the programme to insulating domestic buildings and financial help to do so.

Reopen the grant scheme to get more solar thermal and photo-voltaic panels on homes.

Nationally to review lighting policy for public areas. Consider more LED usage. Traffic lights have been changed to these, but develop street lighting by LED as well.

Requirement for carbon neutral and energy efficient homes in new build.

Any new large area of non-lorry bearing black tarmac expanse e.g. car parks, etc. to include when constructed heat capture pipework beneath.

Industrially consider legislation for large users to have compulsory energy audits to eliminate unnecessary usage and reduce power use surges.
Farms to be encouraged to become energy requirement neutral by using solar PV on barn and buildings roofs. To utilise water flow by micro-hydro in streams e.g. especially in regions with traditionally heavier rainfall such as the Lake District and Wales. Heat exchangers can also be used in water either running or standing.

Jonathan Whittaker

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