And NOT just for the greedy, selfish, privileged few.
Water Lentils have the capability to not only feed the world, but to help eradicate poverty, promote care and compassion and to solve the climate crisis we have created from our greed and indifference.
Water Lentils are the discovery of the hidden treasure of a sustainable future for a harmonious humanity.
Water Lentils are God’s gift waiting for that healing moment of discovery, of a creator who cares. We have a future of compassion and caring that is possible. It is up to us now to grasp it and show the love.
We are easily capable of doing this; to create and build the growing areas of the food that will transform our world and be the staple of future life on our planet, and beyond if we wish.
Why does Water Lentil work? It is because it has a restrictive growing habitat that is artificially reproduceable by us as humans, allowing us to exploit its ability for exponential growth and multiple uses. It produces food for humans and animals, energy and regulation of air and water. It is truly a wonder plant, unrecognised until now, in our hour of need.
Thankful for the creation.