The United Nations COP29 Has Begun

…And what a moment in the planet’s future as one that supports life.

Donald Trump has described climate change as the greatest con ever. He has declared that he will pull America out of all climate change agreements and drill, drill, drill for gold.

Is this, then, the critical tipping point of no return? Are we about to reach the climate event horizon where life on Earth as we love and know it is extinguished in a final blast of pure individual thirst for power and greed.

Our only hope in the light of such selfishness is to initiate the one free, natural, working model for safety we have. Despite it not being an exciting, ‘sexy’ solution but rather a mundane and simple solution, we need to enact it NOW. Let’s tell the whole world and show it how we do it; how we get that huge amount of carbon in the air reduced in the shortest possible time, naturally.

Trees take too long, not quick enough to stop Donald (although long term they are essential). Hoping for an invented, man-made means for mass carbon capture is negligent suicide, now that Trump will be in power as soon as January 2025.

The only safe, simple, natural, free, easily proven, carbon negative way to do it, is to grow duckweed across the globe, wherever we can, to whatever height, in stacked trays. In some cities duckweed growing towers will need to be constructed, (in direct contrast to the Trump Tower of individual greed and doom). We will need duckweed towers for our future to counter Trump driven destruction and decimation. These duckweed towers will breathe oxygen into the cities improving their air at the same time as sucking out the atmospheric clogging carbon. In the rural areas and the countryside there will be duckweed growing barns.


Every tiny duckweed plant reproduces itself every 2 days. This is exponential growth every 48 hours. 1 ton of duckweed on day zero becomes over 32 billion tons by day 70 if it has enough space to grow. It is our only credible chance to counter the colossally disastrous amount of atmospheric carbon produced by the fossil fuel industry each year, about 37 billion tons of carbon. All our Earthly agricultural land produces 12 billion tons of grain annually to feed 8 billion of us.

Duckweed only grows on the surface of non-salty, non-moving, polluted water (only on ponds and ditches in the wild), so if it escapes it isn’t dangerous.

Duckweed only requires 1.5cm depth of water for its tiny single fibrous root. This is a game changer, because it means that we can successfully grow it in stacked trays to create as much space as it requires to complete the job and save us.

The micro variety of duckweed desiccates in air when removed (harvested) from the water by a simple single blade stroke. This means it has no rotting phase between harvesting and dried form to keep its carbon out of the air.

Dried duckweed has the consistency of pulped cardboard or paper so it can be shaped into whatever form we wish for storage. As large solid compressed blocks it can be certified and numbered as true weight of captured carbon for true carbon offsetting with no cheating.

It will have use in the packaging and construction industries. In solid blocks it can be used to fill in disused quarries to make man-made peat bogs.

After duckweed has worked its ‘magic’ and made our atmosphere stable and in equilibrium at the scientifically accepted best level of 350 ppm CO2 in the air, duckweed has so many other long term uses for humanity.

We as humans can eat 5 out of the 48 varieties without harm and animals can eat 12 of them. Duckweed contains up to 30% more protein than Soya.

Duckweed depollutes water.

Duckweed makes excellent biofuel.

This means that our duckweed production facilities constructed will continue to have a viable economic use long term, even after we have solved the climate problem.

All we need to start saving our planet is to know about duckweed and how it does it. Then we will DEMAND its use and construct the growing facilities we need to survive.

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Jonathan Whittaker

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