United Nations Warning!

The United Nations now warns that we are on course for a catastrophic 3.1-degree Celsius rise in average global temperature this century.

Why are we so complacent?

Disaster seems a long way off; we can’t see the CO2 build-up and fossil fuels give us a comfortable existence.

So how do we save ourselves and our living planet?

Let’s face it, we won’t sufficiently reduce using fossil fuels in time. Our only hope now is a massive carbon capture programme worldwide.

Plants capture atmospheric carbon for free. There is however an equation to solve this problem.

‘Whittaker’s equation for carbon capture by natural means.

MASS of plant growth x TIME x Equivalent surface(s) of the Earth

Only one plant fulfils that criterion safely and when done (carbon balance achieved) has multiple other uses for humanity – DUCKWEED. There is no planet B for most plants, except for duckweed, where we can safely and simply grow it on its own equivalent planet…X, Y, Z…and beyond. Vertically farming it in trays to whatever level we need.

We will have to grow billions of tons of it worldwide every year and store it solid. If it rots or burns, the carbon returns to the air. The quicker we grow and store the duckweed the better chance we have of survival.

The UN is warning us of the imminent danger, and we need to take note and act now before it is too late for even duckweed to save us. We need to have a concerted effort across the globe to cut back on fossil fuel usage at the same time as growing this planet saving plant.

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Jonathan Whittaker

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