A big thank-you to all whom have written personal statements about what is important to them about saving nature on the ’Shroud of Nature’ started at the Restore Nature Now rally in London on June 22nd.

A shroud is a protective cloth or a burial garment. Important decisions lay ahead in the UK Parliament about setting guidelines to protect and repair damage already done by us to our natural environment and habitats.

The first stage is to contact your local MP to enter the private member ballot due on September 5th. Out of those entered in the ballot, 20 members will be chosen to submit a Private Member’s Bill.

We desperately need to help nature and having an MP willing to propose the Climate and Nature Bill reintroduction, this Bill having previously been lost by the dissolving of Parliament for the recent UK General Election.

The ‘Shroud for Nature’ is intended to be a visual means to convey the strength of feeling and passion of the UK public to look after nature. It is intended to be presented to MPs and Lords in the two Houses prior to first readings.

This is part of the ‘One Year to Save Nature’ campaign started on ‘Protect our planet, 24/7’ day, 24th July 2024. The first world day with the date (day and month in the world calendar) in its title.

We have until the 24th July 2025 to start effective action, if we are to save nature in time.

How do we do this?

We require to learn by our mistakes and recognise them.

We need to unite as humanity (not as a collection of divided nations).

We need to start effective action across the globe, simple and easy to understand.


Three simple parts to a difficult equation to solve.

Only by understanding the problem we have created can we solve it. Only by uniting at species level can we effectively put into place the practical means to solve it. Finally, the means to do this will involve all of us, individually and collectively, using our ingenuity and practical ability in a simple easy to understand way. No complex science but more common sense and using nature itself in a caring healing way.

Start to learn this year, join as fellow nature caring human beings this year and know and comprehend how we do it this year.

‘PROTECT OUR PLANET 24/7’ to help learn

‘i4one’ to join

Realising only duckweed as a plant offers us a safe and effective way to sequester sufficient carbon from the atmosphere before it is too late, to prevent runaway climate catastrophe for life as we know it on this fragile planet of ours.

This all started on 24th July 2024. Its not too late to join in what will prove to be a significant year to save ourselves from disastrous past decisions on nature. We still have the chance to correct our mistakes, but time is running out.

The ‘Shroud for Nature’ has been present at:

  • The ‘Restore Nature Now’ rally 22/6/24
  • The Organic Farm Shop on ‘Protect our planet 24/7 day’ 24/7/24
  • WOMAD music and dance festival 27/7/24
  • LakeFest music festival 11/8/24

To all those concerned for nature and contributing written statements, thank-you.

Further information about the proposed Climate and Nature Bill can be found at

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Jonathan Whittaker

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