We at wholeheartedly support the initiative fronted by Zero Hour to encourage the safe passage of the Climate Bill through its readings in the UK Parliament to ensure there is legal backing to preserve nature and secure its future without further degradation and indeed establish a full recovery in the UK.
We need MPs to vote for bringing it into Law, whichever Political Party they belong to. MPs are meant to serve the public and protecting nature on these isles is for everyone and MPs must morally vote to save and strengthen our nature whatever their political persuasion.
On MONDAY 15th April we can celebrate nature as well by taking part in a non-disruptive micro demonstration at a traffic light or pelican crossing near you. See this site for details. This marks the start of the 100 day countdown to a world first; that of the only ‘World Day’ with the date in its descriptive title, so we can ALL be ready for it and take part .
‘Protect our planet 24/7’ World Day on 24 – 7 – 24, 24th July, 2024.
Tell your election candidates to back the Climate & Ecology Bill