TTIP Potential Fracking Threat

The Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a potential threat to us with regards to fracking.

With many American based fracking companies likely to be involved in the exploitation of our potential shale gas, this agreement, if ratified, would mean that fracking would become almost certain due to the heavy financial penalties of not fulfilling a contract within the agreement. A Government determined to overrule local opposition would then justify this climate changing environmental vandalism on punitive economic grounds.

TTIP is a danger to our fight to prevent fracking and to protecting our fragile environment.

The Dept. of Business & Skills commissioned a risk assessment report in 2013 by the London School of Economics and that damning report has only just been release due to a Freedom of Information case.

To help protect fracking we also need to stop TTIP from coming into force.

Please see the link and share.

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Jonathan Whittaker

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