ash blaze burn burning


person with an umbrella standing in water


woman holding green yellow and white umbrella standing near black crt tv




Follow the journey of the ‘Shroud for Nature’ a very different form of petition


i4ONE is unique!

In a nutshell, i4one is a mechanism to achieve the required human unity necessary to solve human induced climate change and habitat destruction (HICC + HD). It's free, it's simple, it's far-reaching - Peaceful, powerful & respectful.


Non-disruptive, non-damaging & non-financial

We are all about

I 4 one will not stand by and let our Earth die! i4one: Planet Protection - Our Home - Our Earth
Anyone can join, it's loving, it's caring, it's FREE

This is an individual action scheme to help tackle global warming. It is neither policed nor monitored. It is apolitical. It is free to join. It is here to try and help you as an individual. As we grow in numbers it will help put pressure on leaders to do more, but in the meantime it maximises the effect we can have as individuals and effectively starts the process to slow global warming and hopefully prevent any irreversible climate change.

In our journey to solve human induced climate change and habitat destruction (HICC+HD) we have to bring everyone along with us, NOT antagonise and divide. Unity will save us and the planet. Division will inevitably destroy us and the world. i4one is therefore so important to join and get involved with.

It has taken the collective action of humanity to get us into the position of human induced, potentially catastrophic, climate change here on Earth and it is going to take the collective action of humanity to get us out of it too!

  • ‘i4one’ is an essential part of that process.
  • FREE to ALL.
  • All able to act individually and as one.

One powerful voice and combined action for the positive change that we need for survival of the natural world and processes that support life as we know it on this precious planet of ours.

If you are concerned and want to bring the vast majority of humanity with you without antagonising huge swathes of it, please join us and spread the word.

‘I for one will not stand by and let our Earth die.’
Mean it in your heart. Say it and you’re in!
A world united.
Of one voice.
Positive individual, personal, collective action.

‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven’ Day


24th July

‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven' Day

‘‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven' Day - is a concept that brings together the conservation, campaign and action groups on climate change and sustainability, under one roof and allows the general public to make sensible, rational decisions about how they can alter their lifestyle to help tackle the problem of climate change induced by human activity.

Click here for more details>


We cant compete with the glossy ads of consumption that we are bombarded with in our everyday lives and to do so would be wasteful, hypocritical and drain vital resources and finance that Environmental Organisations need to help preserve nature.

Instead we use what is freely given to us, our ingenuity as caring human beings, to create a means that is non-financial and non-damaging, non-disruptive and respectful of others. Our own flashing message, demand and beacon of hope in exactly the places where the cause of the problem is most prevalent, that of fossil fuel usage.

That is why we need to ‘adopt’ our traffic lights and pelican crossings, to turn them into our free flashing message, which even our leaders can’t avoid seeing themselves, deliverable everywhere across the globe, united in the call for effective action on human induced climate change and habitat destruction (HICC+HD).

Let the full voice of the vast majority of people across the world be visible everywhere! Fluttering coloured ribbons and single beautiful flowers from each peace loving, nature caring soul. A highly visible call for peace, unity and care from the majority of us that we can all easily join in with.

Please join with us in sending this highly visible, deeply meaning message to our political, corporate and financial leaders who make important decisions on our behalf. Non-damaging, non disruptive, non-financial, carbon neutral micro- demonstrations sending out a clear single subject message of peace, hope, love and care in a present world of so much trouble, stress, destruction and despair. A message we can all join in with. Our message flashing constantly and the micro-demonstrations repeatable on the last day of the month throughout the year, from the two ‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven’ Days of 24-7-24 to 24-7-25, until ribbons are fluttering everywhere and our leaders take note and begin the necessary action on HICC+HD.

At the same time we can all commit to doing our own personal actions to help the planet recover. United we stand, divided we will fail and fall.