What Will Happen On The Day in the UK (How to get involved).
‘Adopt, your local traffic light (or pelican crossing) by tying a ribbon of any colour to the post so that about half a metre can flutter. Write a message on the ribbon to our leaders demanding urgent action on climate change. Also place a flower (wild or cultivated) at the foot of a post in memorial of species already lost to climate change. The tied ribbon ‘transforms’ it into the message:
A visible, easily copied, call for action in time to save us from climate catastrophe. Join the micro-demonstration and so get our simple message out and visible.

Create A Mini Wetlands
Wetlands are areas where land meets water. They include rivers, marshes and lakes. Mini-wetlands are those smaller spaces such as ponds, drainpipe wetlands and bog gardens. They are fantastic for wildlife, supporting more life per area than most other habitats.
Visit the WWT for more information https://www.wwt.org.uk/wetlands-can/mini-wetlands
Get out and about...
Support local! Get out to your local farm shop (like ours today 24/7/2024 at the Organic Farm Shop, Burford Rd., Cirencester), fruit farm, vineyard and local markets. Visit botanical gardens, like our launch site in Birmingham, as well as Belfast, Edinburgh, the Eden Project, Bicton Park, National Botanic Garden of Wales and explore National Parks everywhere.
See the list of suggested pledges to reduce your personal carbon impact. Any action must be something you think you can achieve within two months so that it becomes routine in your life.
Download: Suggested Pledge Sheet
Watch and learn about climate change and why it is important to begin effective action to counter the damage already done urgently.
See recommended YouTube videos...

Free Prize Competitions!
Donated prizes, since we are non-financial. Completion date 01/09/2024
- Renovate an old t-shirt, to a new design you would wear (must include the Traffic light logo and message). Send a before and after photo to enter on the i4one.org website.
- Rewrite the Lyrics to “ Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole oak tree” by Tony Orlando and Dawn.
Starting with:‘Tie a coloured ribbon round a traffic light,
Its been too many years, wow! To get this right. - Write a Poem and send it to us. First prize is £25 Waterstones voucher.
Help clean up a local resort that you are visiting or your roadside verges near home or work. Take pride in the natural world around you. There may be Beach tidying or road tidying organisations visible and active locally on the day, so help and join in or just do it as you wander through the countryside or along the coastline.

Write A poem
If you are on school holiday, write a poem about your ‘Protect our planet, twenty-four seven’ Day or about climate change action.
Get out and experience nature first hand.
Visit countryside or coastline. Visit sites run by the likes of the National Trust, the Wildlife Trusts, the Woodland Trust, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, RSPB and other places run by nature caring organisations. Join an environmentally caring organisation if you have the financial means to do so.
Try and make it to a place where you can appreciate nature and conservation of the natural world. Pet an animal or hug a tree if you like!!