Case Made by eMail Against this Website and our Replies
1. Gov. Hickenlooper has drunk fracking fluid, so it’s not toxic. Reply: Different companies use different mixes in their fracking fluid, often tailoring it to the rocks they need to frack. A controlled small amount of known to be safe fracking fluid injested is NOT proof all fracking fluid is safe. Some sewage outflow water…
‘Fracking’ at the Ecumenical Justice and Environment Forum for Gloucestershire Churches
Dr Jonathan Whittaker, Chair of Frack Free Cotswolds will be speaking on ‘Fracking’ at the Ecumenical Justice and Environment Forum for Gloucestershire Churches, at 4, College Green, Gloucester. 12.30 pm, Thurs. 19th June, 2014.
Register Your Objections To the Licensing Of Our Land To the Fracking Industry By 28th March!
FOE: Notes on how to respond to the Government’s Strategic Environmental Assessment consultation The Government wants to launch a new licensing round for onshore oil and gas. These are held every few years and this round – the 14th – would open up a large area of the UK for licensing (see for details…