This is NOT an organisation, but it IS a public declaration of opposition to the practice of fracking in the UK.


It is true that fracking in the USA has given energy security at a low headline cost. However, this has been at the expense of increased levels of greenhouse gas emissions, an ever increasing reliance on dirty fossil fuels and where population levels are closer to those of Europe, have resulted in severe health and environmental problems. The clean-up costs and future costs are not taken into account with this quick fix option. Fracking is a potential disaster, especially with certain geological, environmental and population density levels. Those who espouse fracking fail to tell you about these dangers. If a doctor failed to warn you of potential downsides to treatment they would be declared negligent and likely struck off, so why do we have to put up with a different law for the rich and powerful fracking companies?

It is time to say to the rich and powerful that enough is enough and we want our planet back! We want a world fit to live in, not just now, but in the future as well. It is time to act!

In the UK the Government, in the form of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, has granted carte blanche for fracking companies to explore our green and pleasant land for gas locked in our supporting geology.


The toxic waste that doesn’t leak into the natural water supply, is stored, then transferred to a super toxic lake.
Would you like one near you?

We call upon all communities to oppose this.

If it were your community affected it would devastate and you would look to the support of your fellow countrymen to help protect you from such a ruinous process.

The toxic waste that doesn’t leak into the natural water supply, is stored, then transferred to a super toxic lake. Would you like one near you?

By its very nature fracking is a leaky process. If they used and produced benign harmless agents, that would not be a problem, but they don’t.

The products of the process are damaging and some highly toxic.

This will all be leaking into OUR environment.

The nations of France and Bulgaria have already banned the process of fracking on health and environmental grounds; it is time for us to join them in their opposition to this attack on our future on Earth.

If you want to protect the future of our generations to follow, please contact any organisation that you may be a member of that wishes a future here on Earth, and tell them you want their name on this public list.

This declaration of opposition to fracking is supported by many societies and organisations, many of whom are happy to be listed here:


Fracking is not a benign, friendly form of energy production.

It is in fact an Extreme Energy source.

Typical fracking well site area. Land polluted and devastated

As with all extreme energies the headline cost of production is low, but the clean-up costs and potential dangers are extreme and the risks high.

Fracking uses highly toxic fluid that gets into the natural water system and the process also permanently destabilises and damages the bed rock strata we depend upon for support.

This is on top of the fact that methane (23 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2) will inevitably leak into the atmosphere.

Fracking occurs, not just in one place, but has to spread as each well head is soon exhausted.

Once one well is brought into production the whole surrounding area will eventually join in, to become an industrialised area and devastated.

Fracking is a real smash and grab form of gain and the most gain goes to the companies performing this environmental devastation.

Each well head that is bored has potential for harm. With fracking this is multiplied so many times that harm is virtually inevitable and unstoppable.


With Fracking you don’t get just one well, you get multiples. A real permanent pox of a landscape!

With Fracking you don’t get just one well, you get multiples. A real permanent pox of a landscape!

Your family, your homes and the land you call home are all under extreme threat.

It is a fact of modern day life that money talks and those that will gain the most will be at pains to convince you that all is well with fracking and that it is a necessary evil for cheap energy…

Learning to reduce energy use and renewable sources are the only clean safe ways to go. Given support, renewable energy’s cost will ALWAYS come down as we become more efficient at harvesting this form of energy.

Renewable energy has NO COST at source. It is by definition abundant and free!

We just have to get good at processing and distributing it. That means abandoning our dirty old ways with fossil fuel.

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